Fire Smart
We are very pleased to announce that Piers Island has received FireSmart Community/Neighbourhood Recognition for 2022. We have been a recognized community since 2016 and are very proud of the work we do to keep that status. Check our Projects page for ideas for your community.
The FireSmart pamphlet gives helpful hints of what you should be looking at around your home and by completing the form, your score will tell you how you rate. You'll also see how you can improve and reduce the risk of fire around your home. New to FireSmart - an App for self assessment - Click here Apple or here for Google Play Click to download the pamphlet. If you would like help with this, please contact the FireSmart LFR's who are happy to complete the assessment for you. Contact Steve or Pauline at 250-655-4812 Fire Smart Team
Steve Cruise - LFR Pauline Olesen- LFR Grant Warrington- Chimney clean organizer Gloria Morson -FireSmart Board Carol Fevang - FireSmart Board We would like to acknowledge Anne Bell, retiring FireSmart Board member. She was with us right from the start, helping to promote FireSmart on Piers Island. Thanks Anne, since 2015! Going the extra mile!
The Fire Smart Team has been working with PIVFD on helping to make your home safe. Last summer PIVFD and ESS members went door to door in the community checking smoke detectors and giving homeowners the FireSmart Guides to self check how your property scores on the FireSmart scale. We now have 2 Local FireSmart Representatives on Piers Island who are happy to work with you to complete the Fire Smart Wildfire Hazard Assessment form for Structure & Site. Click to book a visit from the FireSmart Team |
Fire Smart Ideas
In 2015 we received a $10,000 FireSmart Grant from UBCM. Learn about what we did by checking Projects We divided the Island into 5 Zones which match our PI Emergency Program Zones. Zone 1 - Lots 1-29 and 2-30 Zone 2 - Lots 31-87 and 139 Zone 3 - Lots 89-137 Zone 4 - Lots 72 -114 Zone 5 - Lots 32- 70 Contact PIVFD to book a FireSmart Assessment visit.
A brand new FireSmart Landscaping for BC has been produced, with Piers Island's Master Gardener Brent Schorr consulting on the book. You can download the guide by clicking the picture.